RNA-Seq notebook
RNA-seq Workshop: Bioinformatics Practical
Supplementary Information
Get data
Prepare sample list
Quality Assessment
Trimming the Reads
Read Alignment
MultiQC report
Visualising the Alignments
Index aligned bams
Alignment visualization using IGV
Feature Counts
Downstream Analysis in R
Differential Expression Analysis
Filtering Low Count Genes
Data Transformation
Heatmap Of Distances And Principal Component
RNA-seq Workshop: Bioinformatics Practical (using Dask)
Before using this notebook
Supplementary Information
Get data
Prepare sample list
Create a Dask cluster
Quality Assessment
Trimming the Reads
Read Alignment
MultiQC report
Visualising the Alignments
Index aligned bams
Alignment visualization using IGV
Feature Counts
Downstream Analysis in R
Differential Expression Analysis
Filtering Low Count Genes
Data Transformation
Heatmap Of Distances And Principal Component
RNA-Seq notebook
RNA-Seq analysis notebooks
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RNA-Seq analysis notebooks
A repository for keeping conda env and docker image file for running RNA-Seq analysis
List of example notebooks
RNA-seq Workshop: Bioinformatics Practical
RNA-seq Workshop: Bioinformatics Practical (using Dask)
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